Aarhus Universitetsforlag

The Parsing System Palavras

Automatic Grammatical Analysis of Portuguese in a Constraint Grammar Framework

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412 sider
ISBN 87 7288 910 1



Mere om bogen

Om bogen

Bogen er resultatet af Eckhard Bicks dissertationsprojekt ved Institut for Lingvistik, Aarhus Universitet (1994-99), og beskriver en Progressive Level Parser "Palavras" og en dependensgrammatik for portugisisk, begge baseret på Constraint Grammar-paradigmet og understøttet af korpus-baseret forskning.


1. Introduction

2. The lexicomorphological level: Structuring words

3. Morphosyntactic disambiguation: The Holographic picture

4. The syntactic level: A dependency description of Portuguese

5. The uses of valency: A bridge from syntax to semantics

6. The semantic perspective: Incremental semantic parsing (ISP)

7. The applicational level: Teaching and translating on the internet

8. Conclusion: The advantages of incrementality


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