Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Objective Description of the Self

The Literary Theory of Iwano Homei

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240 sider
ISBN 87 7288 611 0



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Om bogen

Den japanske forfatter, Iwano Homei (1873-1920), skrev om de tre ting han satte over alt andet: sig selv, Japan og kvinder. Han var den første japanske forfatter, der beskæftigede sig teoretisk med fortællerens synsvinkel, og han udviklede sin egen litteraturretning: "symbolsk naturalisme". Hidtil er han blevet sørgeligt overset i Vesten. Nu foreligger det første værk på engelsk om forfatteren og mennesket, Iwano Homei.




I. An Overview of Iwano Hômei's Work:
1. The Island of Awaji, Iwano's Birthplace
2. The Early Years
3. The Creation of a Poet
4. The First Marriage
5. The Book The Mystic Semi-Animalism
6. The Novel Tandeki
7. The Journey to Sakhalin
8. Iwano's Novel-Series and Monistic Narration
9. 'The Conqueror and the Conquered'
10. The Productive Author and His Death

II. The Background For Iwano Hômei's Literary Theory:
1. Iwano Hômei the Man
2. The Anti-social Male
3. The Mystic Semi-Animalism
4. 'Momentariness' and Iwano Hômei's Views on Love and Sex
5. Iwano Hômei's View on Literature/Art and 'the New Naturalism'
6. Iwano Hômei's Theory of Narration

III. The Creation of The Theory:
1. The Point of Departure
2. The Creation

IV. The Theory in Translation with a Commentary

V. Criticism and Practice:
1. Criticism of the Theory
2. The Theory and Iwano Hômei's Writings

VI. The Theory in a Broader Perspective:
1. Iwano's Theory in Relation to that of watakushi shôsetsu - Japanese Confessional Writing
2. The Theory in Relation to Point of View Theories in General

VII. Conclusion

Appendix: Iwano Hômei's Major Works
Index to the Writings of Iwano Hômei
Index of Persons

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