Aarhus Universitetsforlag

The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos. Reports of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to Bodrum

4. The Quadrangle

En del af serien Jysk Arkæologisk Selskabs Skrifter (15) , og fagområdet

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182 sider ill., kort
ISBN 87 88415 03 1



Mere om bogen

Om bogen

Den kariske hersker kong Maussollos gav med sit enorme gravmæle navn til senere tiders monumentale grave: mausoleer. Hans grav midt i byen Hallikarnassos (nutidens Bodrum i Tyrkiet) blev regnet for et af antikkens syv vidundere.

Dette bind beskriver mausoleets fundamenter lagt i en stor rektangulær udhugning i grundklippen, af Newton kaldet "the quadrangle".



Introductory Note on Illustrations

1. The Quadrangle

2. The drainage system around the Maussolleion ("Lower Gallery")

3-5. Accessory structures built along the periphery of the Quadrangle

6. Features of the superstructure deducible from the surviving foundations and pillars

7. The situation of the foundations of the Maussolleion with regard to its surroundings

8. The platform in front of the entrance to the tomb chamber

9. The bronze grating said to have covered the drain crossing the western staircase

10. The plug-block that closed the entrance to the tomb

11. Collars and dowels from the bottom of the plug-block, British Museum

12. Two sawn-off corners of pavement slabs with collars still in position, British Museum

13. The foundations around and above the plug-block

14. The corridor

15. The double-door of white marble, summary of evidence for its reconstruction

16. Catalogue of door fragments A-R

17. The anteroom and its connection with the tomb chamber

18. The tomb chamber

19. The sarcophagus lid of white marble, summary of evidence for its reconstruction

20. Catalogue of fragments of sarcophagus lids from Bodrum (a-d) and Kos (e)

21. The tomb-robbers' subterranean mine

22. The cavity cut in the rock-cut bottom of the tomb chamber, date and purpose

23. Catalogue raisonné of finds from the cavity in the tomb chamber (cf. chapter 22) and from the tomb-robbers' mine (cf. chapter 21)

24. Provisional report of recent investigations into Pre-Maussollan remains underneath and south of the Maussolleion

25. Geological aspects of the construction of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

26. Excerpts from C.T. Newton, a History of Discoveries (1862)

27. Commander de la Tourrette's report on the demolition of the Maussolleion AD 1522

28. Comparanda relatable to the fragments of a double-door and a sarcophagus lid found in the Maussolleion foundations



Pressen skrev

Frank Rumscheid Gnomon, Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft

"Insgesamt bietet der Band eine grundlegende Erstpublikation solider archäologischer Forschung im Bereich des Maussolleions. Mehr noch: Einige Ergebnisse führen dazu, langgepflegte Forschungsmeinungen zur vormaussolleischen Nutzung des Areals und zu den Umständen der Haupstadtverlegung unter Maussolos neu zu überdenken."

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