Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Multilingual Behavior in Youth Groups

Scandinavian studies in the simultaneous use of two or more languages in group conversations among children and adolescents

En del af serien Copenhagen Studies in Bilingualism (The K�ge Series K11) , og fagområderne , og

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142 sider
ISBN 87 7701 891 5

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Om bogen


J.N. Jørgensen: Multilingual Behavior in Youth Groups

Jakob Cromdal: Bilingual text production as task and resource:

        Social interaction in task oriented student groups

Trine Esdahl: Language Choice

Jakob Steensig: Some notes on the use of Conversation

        Analysis in the study of bilingual interaction

Emel Türker: Traces of language change in the speech of

        Turkish youth in Norway

Lian Malai Madsen: Linguistic Power Wielding and Manipulation

        Strategies in group Conversations Between Turkish-Danish


J.N. Jørgensen: Multi-Variety Code-Switching in Conversation

        903 of the Køge Project

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