Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Multilingual Behavior in Youth Groups

Scandinavian studies in the simultaneous use of two or more languages in group conversations among children and adolescents

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142 sider
ISBN 87 7701 891 5

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J.N. Jørgensen: Multilingual Behavior in Youth Groups

Jakob Cromdal: Bilingual text production as task and resource:

        Social interaction in task oriented student groups

Trine Esdahl: Language Choice

Jakob Steensig: Some notes on the use of Conversation

        Analysis in the study of bilingual interaction

Emel Türker: Traces of language change in the speech of

        Turkish youth in Norway

Lian Malai Madsen: Linguistic Power Wielding and Manipulation

        Strategies in group Conversations Between Turkish-Danish


J.N. Jørgensen: Multi-Variety Code-Switching in Conversation

        903 of the Køge Project

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