Aarhus Universitetsforlag


Towards New Identities?

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172 sider
ISBN 87 7288 380 4

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Om bogen

En ny tids irske forfattere gør op med den gamle national-revolutionære generations myter. Essays af irske og internationale forskere, som opridser en mere nuanceret opfattelse af irsk historie og identitet, sådan som den tegner sig i moderne irsk litteratur og debat.


Michael Böss, Introduction: Towards New Identities?

Part I: Irish Identity: Historical Considerations
Tom Garvin, The Slow Triumph of Politics: Irish Endgame
Colm Tóibín, New Ways to Kill Your Father: Historical Revisionism
Ruth Sherry, The Uses of the National Anthem
Marie Arndt, Sean O'Faolain as Biographer and Commentator
Darlene Erickson, With Skill, Endurance and Generosity of Heart: Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes
Lissi Daber, Nationalism and Unionism in Northern Ireland in the 1990s
Text of the Northern Ireland Peace Agreement of April 10, 1998

Part II: Irish Identity: Literary Representations
Edna Longley, Northern Ireland: Poetry and Peace
Britta Olinder, Creating an Identity: John Hewitt and History
Michael Böss, Roots in the Bog: The Notion of Identity in the Poetry and Essays of Seamus Heaney
William Pratt, European Past, Irish Present: Joyce's Modern Hells
Karl-Heinz Westarp, Aspects of Time and Identity in Samuel Beckett
Fintan O'Toole, Irish Theatre: The State of the Art

Notes on the Contributors


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