Aarhus Universitetsforlag

From Forager to Farmer in Flint

A Lithic Analysis of the Prehistoric Transition to Agriculture in Southern Scandinavia

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147 sider ill.
ISBN 87 7288 742 7



Mere om bogen

Om bogen

Michael Stafford bidrager til diskussionen om overgangen til agerbrug i Danmark i forhistorisk tid med en analyse af stenredskaber fra en række kendte udgravninger. Forfatteren undersøger hvordan og hvornår overgangen skete og forsvarer i bogen et nyt perspektiv på disse spørgsmål.


List of Illustrations

1. Introduction

2. The Cultural and Theoretical Framework
2.1 The Cultural History: Setting the Stage
2.2 Theoretical Aspects of the Danish Transistion to Agriculture

3. The Flint and Flint Technology of the Danish Transition to Domestication

4. The Methodology

5. Site Analysis, Comparisons, and Trends Through Time
5.1 The Site Presentations
5.2 Site Comparisons and Trends Through Time

6. Flint Technology and the Transition to Agriculture: Analysis and Interpretation


Index of Authors

Geographical Index

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