Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Faaborg Museum

and the Artists' Colony

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267 sider ill.
ISBN 978 87 7184 775 8

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Om bogen

Behind rolling hills, overlooking the fjord and the islands of Southern Funen, you will find Faaborg Museum. With its boldly coloured walls and decorative tile floors made from local clay, the building has quite literally sprung from Funen soil in a symbiosis of local nature and culture. Inside, visitors will find art by the ‘Funen Painters’, created during the period 1880 to 1928 when Faaborg was home to one of Denmark’s pre-eminent artists’ colonies. With their paintings of rural Funen, farmworkers and domestic scenes, the artists Peter Hansen, Fritz and Anna Syberg, Jens Birkholm and Johannes Larsen introduced new subject matter and new methods of painting in Danish art.

Faaborg Museum was founded in 1910 by Mads Rasmussen, art patron and manufacturer of tinned goods and preserves. The museum was intended as a celebration of the art created in and around Faaborg. Together with the artists, he commissioned the architect Carl Petersen to create a building to house the museum’s collection – a building that is now acclaimed as a masterpiece of neoclassical architecture and embodies a rare union of art, architecture and design.

Faaborg Museum and the Artists’ Colony presents the history of Faaborg Museum, its architecture, collection and artists to international audiences for the first time. Lavishly illustrated, the book features architectural photographs and plans as well as dozens of reproductions of the museum’s art.

Pressen skrev

Anders Ellegaard, Historie-online.dk

 "Mange af Fynbomalernes billeder er gengivet sammen med fotografier fra museet, dets opførelse, ophængningen af malerier og af personer med tilknytning til emnerne.    - Til de to store, helsides serier af fotografier fra museet udvendigt og især indvendigt er indforskrevet den fransk-schweiziske arkitekturfotograf Hélène Binet. De billeder er alle pengene værd."

 "Bogen om Faaborg Museum og den lokale kunstnerkoloni kommer rundt om mange aspekter ved museet og de kunstnere, som var en del af Fynbomalerne, og både udlændinge og danskere vil have stor glæde af at fordybe sig i historierne om museets tilblivelse og opførelse og om de mere eller mindre kendte kunstnere."


Kristeligt Dagblad
Artikel: "Fynboer på engelsk"


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