The Archaeology of Medieval Europe, vol. 2, PB
Vol. 2. Twelfth to Sixteenth Centuries
En del af fagområderne Arkæologi, Arkæologi (middelalder) og Historie (middelalder)
Redigeret af
Martin Carver og
Jan Klápste
Mere om bogen
Om bogen
The two volumes of The Archaeology of Medieval Europe together comprise the first complete account of Medieval Archaeology across the continent. This ground-breaking set will enable readers to track the development of different cultures and regions over the 800 years that formed the Europe we have today. In addition to revealing the process of Europeanisation, within its shared intellectual and technical inheritance, the complete work provides an opportunity for demonstrating the differences that were inevitably present across the continent - from Iceland to Sicily and Portugal to Finland.
Fås også i hardback, og Bind 1 og 2 i paperbackudgave kan købes samlet til særpris.
Pressen skrev
"The series provides overviews to students, but it is also a most useful guide to specialists and non-archaeologists across the discipline, considering similar themes across Europe, from Ireland to Iran, and across time."
Niall Brady, Journal of Medieval Archeaology, 57 (2013)
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