Mark L. Lawall
Pottery, Peoples and Places
Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery
Redigeret af Pia Guldager Bilde Mark L. Lawall
(bog + e-bog)
The late Hellenistic period, spanning the 2nd and early 1st centuries BC, was a time of great tumult and violence thanks to nearly incessant warfare.…
449,95 kr. -
The Transport Amphorae and Trade of Cyprus
Redigeret af Mark L. Lawall John Lund
(bog + e-bog)
Placed as a stepping stone on the sea route between Europe and the New East, Cyprus has always been a meeting place of many cultures. Though rarely un…
249,95 kr. -
Pottery in the Archaeological Record: Greece and Beyond
Acts on the International Colloquium held at the Danish and Canadian Institutes in Athens, June 20-22, 2008
Redigeret af Mark L. Lawall John Lund
(bog + e-bog)
199,95 kr. -
The Lower City of Olbia (Sector NGS)
Iin the 6th Century BC to the 4th Century AD
Redigeret af Pia Guldager Bilde Jakob Munk Højte Valentina V. Krapivina Sergej D. Kryzickij Nina A. Lejpunskaja
750,00 kr. -
Chronologies of the Black Sea Area
In the period c. 400-100 BC
Redigeret af Lise Hannestad Vladimir F. Stolba
(bog + e-bog)
I løbet af de senere år har arkæologerne fået fornyet interesse for kronologi, dvs. inddeling i forskellige perioder, og fast daterede holdepunkter. I…
348,00 kr. -
Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean
Redigeret af Jonas Eiring John Lund
Christian S. Blinkenberg og Karl F. Kinch gik i land på Rhodos om morgenen den 17. april 1902. De to forskere og deres hjælpere udgravede i løbet af…
448,00 kr.