Richard Raskin
Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto og With Raised Hands
En filmbog og DVD
(bog + e-bog)
"Verdenshistoriens ubærlige begivenheder kan have godt af en nærmest fornærmende kort og ætsende behandling, som vi ser det i denne film, Seven Minute…
149,95 kr. -
Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto and With Raised Hands (English E-book)
Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto is a short stop-motion puppet film that has won awards at international film festivals in a number of countries and…
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A Child at Gunpoint
A Case Study in the Life of a Photo
I denne bog analyserer Richard Raskin det kendte billede taget i 1943 af en jødisk dreng i ghettoen i Warszawa. Raskin eftersporer bl.a. det SS-fotoal…
248,00 kr. -
Life is Like a Glass of Tea
Studies of Classic Jewish Jokes
198,00 kr. -
Gustave Courbet's 'Les casseurs de pierres'
Aspects of a Major Work of Art
158,00 kr. -
Nuit et Brouillard
On the Making, Reception and Functions of a Major Documentary Film
168,00 kr. -
Film Terminology
Terminologie du cinéma
Now that vide technology has opened the way for the extensive use of films in the classroom, teachers and students may feel a growing need to get beyo…
38,00 kr. -
An Outline of Terms and Concepts
48,00 kr. -
Elements of Picture Composition
58,00 kr.