Laura Katrine Skinnebach
Animation between Magic, Miracles and Mechanics
Principles of Life in Medieval Imagery
(bog + e-bog)
When it comes to images, we are all animists. Deep down, we all know that images can – at least potentially – be alive or come to life. Nowadays, we m…
349,95 kr. -
The Saturated Sensorium
Principles of Perception and Mediation in the Middle Ages
Redigeret af Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen Henning Laugerud Laura Katrine Skinnebach
(bog + e-bog)
The Middle Ages integrated the human senses and unified their media into a culture of saturated sensation. The saturated sensoriùm nurtured princ…
349,95 kr. -
Instruments of Devotion
The Practices and Objects of Religious Piety from the Late Middle Ages to the 20th Century
Redigeret af Henning Laugerud Laura Katrine Skinnebach
(bog + e-bog)
Sekulariseringen af den vestlige kultur er om ikke en myte, så betydeligt overvurderet. I dagens aktuelle debatter om religiøsitet, anerkender langt d…
278,00 kr.