Christel Braae
Among Herders of Inner Mongolia
The Haslund-Christensen Collection at the National Museum of Denmark
(bog + e-bog)
This is a study of a unique collection of Inner Mongolian artefacts at the National Museum of Denmark. They are described, analysed and visually prese…
699,95 kr. -
Middle Eastern Cities 1900-1950
Public Places and Public Spheres in Transformation
Redigeret af Hans Chr. Korsholm Nielsen Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen
Byerne i Mellemøsten gennemgik i starten af det 20. århundrede dramatiske ændringer, nye offentlige bygninger og rum dukkede op, og i kølvandet på de…
298,00 kr. -
Contributions to Islamic Studies
Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan
Redigeret af Christel Braae Klaus Ferdinand
98,00 kr.