Aarhus Universitetsforlag


En del af serien Reflections ,

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60 sider
ISBN 978 87 7219 186 7



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In Happiness, researcher Christian Bjørnskov argues that the basic factors that constitute happiness are mostly universal across cultures. By evaluating studies and theories on happiness that test how family, genetics, religion, wealth, work, and trust factor into our happiness as well as how often we smile or compare ourselves to others, Bjørnskov outlines why our most important source of happiness may be the people around us.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Cand.scient. i informationsvidenskab. Karina har ansvar for udvikling af internationalt samarbejde og forlagets tilstedeværelse i udlandet - dvs. for co-publicering, kontakt med distributører, salg af rettigheder og distribution af digitalt materiale. Det samfundsvidenskabelige område og udvikling af serien The Nordic World sorterer også under Karina, der har en fortid som redaktør i Gyldendal Akademisk og på Forlaget Ajour.

Karina Bell Ottosen


Telefon: +45 30 70 11 68


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